Kyza A. Callwood, Ph.D
Yvette deLaubanque
Vice Chair
Clifford Graham
Alvin D. Burke, Jr.
José Raúl Carrillo
Capital Campaign Manager, UVI
Jenifer O'Neal
Director, Office of Management & Budget
David Hall, SJD
President, UVI
Dionne Wells-Hedrington, Ed.D
Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
Osbert E. Potter
Former Lieutenant Governor
H. Nathalie Hodge
Commissioner, Department of Licensing & Consumer Affairs
Tanya-Marie Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Open Meeting Policy
The Virgin Islands Public Broadcasting System (VIPBS) maintains an open meetings policy with regard to meetings of its Governing Board and any committee of the Board.
Members of the public are welcome to attend such meetings, except when they are conducted in closed session to discuss a matter that is not appropriate for public disclosure. Closed sessions may be conducted to consider matters relating to individual employees, proprietary information, litigation, and other matters requiring the confidential advice of counsel, commercial or financial information obtained from a person on a privileged or confidential basis, or the purchase of property or services whenever the premature exposure of such purchase would compromise the business interests of any such organization.