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Cultural Standards

CS.S.A.Culturally knowledgeable students are well-grounded in the cultural heritage and traditions of their U.S. Virgin Islands

CS.S.A.1. Demonstrate an understanding of Virgin Islands Culture;

CS.S.A.2. Assume responsibility for their role in relation to the well-being of the U.S. Virgin Islands cultural community and their life long obligation as a community member;

CS.S.A.3. Demonstrate the ability to search or retract their own genealogy and family history;

CS.S.A.4. Acquire and pass on the traditions of their U.S. Virgin Islands community through oral and written history;

CS.S.A.5. Engage in traditional activities with the responsibilities to the surrounding environments;

CS.S.A.6. Engage in activities to preserve, promote, protect and archive the history & cultural customs of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

CS.S.A.7. Reflect through their own actions the critical role that the U.S. Virgin Islands heritage language plays in fostering a sense of who they are and how they understand the world around them

CS.S.A.8. Live a life in accordance with values and traditions of the U.S. Virgin Islands community and integrate them into their everyday behavior;


Understand the place of their U.S. Virgin Islands cultural community regional, state, national and international political economic systems:

CS.S.B. -Culturally knowledgeable students are able to build on the knowledge and skills of the U.S. Virgin Islands cultural community as a foundation from which to achieve personal, academic, and economic success throughout life.

CS.S.B.1. Acquire insights from other cultures without diminishing the integrity of their own;

CS.S.B.2. Make effective use of the knowledge, skills and ways of knowing from their own cultural traditions to learn about the larger world in which they live.

CS.S.B.3. Identify appropriate forms of technology and anticipate the consequences of their use for improving the quality of life in the community.


Making appropriate choices regarding the long-term consequences of their actions.

CS.S.C. -Culturally-Knowledgeable students are able to actively participate in various cultural environment

CS.S.C.1. Perform livelihood activities in ways that are appropriate to the U. S. Virgin Islands cultural traditions

CS.S.C.2. Make constructive contributions to the governance of their community and the well-being of their family;

CS.S.C.3. Attain a healthy lifestyle through which they are able to maintain their own social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual well-being;

CS.S.C.4. Enter into and function effectively in a variety of cultural settings.

CS.S.D.-Culturally knowledgeable students are able to engage effectively in learning activities that are based on traditional ways of knowing and learning in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

CS.S.D.1. Acquire in-depth cultural knowledge of the U.S. Virgin Islands through active participation and meaningful interaction with elders, cultural bearers and other knowledgeable adults in the community.

CS.S.D.2. Participate in and make constructive contributions to the learning activities associated with a traditional camp environment;

CS.S.D.3. Interact with elders in a loving and respectful way that demonstrates an appreciation of their role as culture-bearers and educators in the U.S. Virgin Islands community

CS.S.D.4. Gather oral and written history information from the U. S. Virgin Islands community and provide an appropriate and accurate interpretation of its cultural meaning and significance

CS.S.D.5. Identify and utilize appropriate sources of cultural knowledge to find solutions to everyday problems

CS.S.D.6.Engage in realistic self-assessment to identify strengths and needs and make appropriate decisions to enhance life skills.

Sarah and Addie Poster